A Sickly-Sweet Photoshoot Featuring Nude Models Covered in Honey


In his sticky new photo series, LA photographer Blake Little covers his subject in honey and then captures the results.

Although it doesn’t look like the most comfortable photoshoot ever, the pictures produced from the series are rather impressive, with the gooey, dribbling honey cascading to the floor and elongating the subjects body parts.

You can see more of this series in the book about the project, titled Preservation, by going here.











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  1. Man I use Honey evergday in my coffee etc. I am kind of seeing this Art piece as a waste of a very precious resource. Why no syrup, or molasses.? Gate to see honey wasted!!!

  2. Here’s my baby, feel free to pour honey all over it. Striking pics but kind of a waste, Hoping it was honey substitute but I get the impression the photographer would settle for nothing less that pure grade A.

  3. This is not art!? I am an artist and a human too..but I “think” and I “respect” some things in this life.. This is disrespect! Disrespect to the planet, to yourselves and to all of us who are trying to keep bees alive so that WE can live!.. The world without bees will end.. Whoever did this or participated to this photoshoot/artwork should be ashamed..!

    1. You do realise that this was probably shop bought honey and that it would have been eaten by humans anyway? This isn’t affecting bees in any way. By that logic, nobody should ever have honey, in any form, because we’re killing the bees. Bees are dying out because we are killing their habitats not because we’re eating their honey.

      1. Does it matter that it’s shop bought honey? So that is buckets and buckets of honey that still needs to replaced. I don’t think you realize how life works so let me help you out.

        Let’s just say that the normal consumption of honey by people is five hive’s worth (we know it’s much more but for simplicity’s sake). Let’s say this photographer used half that amount. That’s another 2 1/2 hive’s worth of honey the bees have to make (on top of what they feed themselves). That is extra hours in the field searching for pollen that humanity is covering in deadly toxins, if they can find it at all.

        So we strip even more from them and leave them to either work even harder to find more pollen or they don’t get to eat as much as they need to survive the winter.

        Store bought honey still has to be harvested from the bees which we are killing. If you use a bunch more than normal that extra still has to come from bees which we are killing.

        1. Since we have now crossed over into the realm of animal/planetary activism, a question… Do any of you realize that “shop-bought honey” usually isn’t honey at all, but typically a very cleverly crafted mix of HFCS and the like… Same thing with most pancake syrup :( Enjoy breakfast kids!

          1. Indeed. The cheaper the honey the more likely it’s a honey sugar/syrup mixture made in China, leaning more towards a higher sugar/syrup ratio than actual honey.

        2. Okay… even if store bought honey was actually 100% real (spoiler alert: it’s not), farming honey does not equate to killing bees. You know what happens when there’s a demand for more honey? Farmers wouldn’t kill the bees by taking more honey from them than the bees can survive on.

          Even if you want to believe ALL of them wouldn’t care about the survival of their bees out of moral principle/empathy, they would try to take care of the bees enough for them to survive. Why? Because doing otherwise is just bad business. They’re not going to kill the thing making them a profit – if anything, they’re going to increase the amount of bees and honey they have (the supply) to match the amount of people wanting to buy honey (the demand). Basic economics. (Ignoring the fact that the amount of honey used in this photoshoot is pretty insignificant in the scope of how much honey is consumed overall, which prevents this from being like a huge “shock” to the market which would make farmers take more from their bees than usual.)

          Now if you want to talk about pesticides which are killing the bees and making it harder for them to survive, then YES, I totally agree that that issue needs to be addressed. But the thing is pesticide usage has NOTHING to do with the artist who bought this honey, nor (usually) the beekeepers who produce the honey. (In theory, anyway, since store-bought honey is often a substitute/imitation of real honey.)

      1. I did thanks. How else would I know the title of the photoshoot? – It still doesn’t change the fact that buckets of honey were wasted to take those photos.

    1. Or maybe the artist paid for the honey and therefore from an economic perspective there is absolutely no difference between the honey being eaten or being used for art. Maybe the producer of the honey received the same amount of money that he/she would have received had someone bought and consumed that same amount of honey, thereby allowing the producer to make more honey and earn profit. Added to which MAYBE it’s none of your business what someone does with a product once they purchase it, nor is it your business to define what is proper use of the product vs. improper use.