20 Modern Remakes Of Famous Paintings


You’re probably familiar with a lot of these famous Western art masterpieces, but probably not like this!

It started when booooom.com partnered with Adobe to create the Remake project, which asked art students to recreate classic paintings into something else using photography.

Here’s our favourite 20 of the remakes, including a couple of extras that we found on the interwebs and had to include here. What is your favorite?

“Son Of Man” by Magritte


Image credits: Juan de Ezcurra

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo


Image credits: gebbs

“Bedroom in Arles” by Van Gogh


Image credits: Joshua Louis Simon

“American Gothic” by Grant Wood


Image credits: Jesse John Hunniford

“The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dalí


Image credits: unknown

“Weeping Woman” by Picasso


Image credits: Frances Adair Mckenzie

“Self Portrait 1889″ by Vincent van Gogh


Image credits: Tadao Cern

“The Death of Marat” by David


Image credits: Ewa Wiktoria Dyszlewicz

“Ugly Duchess” by Quentin Matsys


Image credits: Alexandre Mury

“Wanderer above the Sea of Fog” by Caspar David Friedrich


Image credits: Spencer Harding

“Self Portrait” by Frida Kahlo


Image credits: Bazooka Betty

“Christina’s World” by Andrew Wyeth


Image credits: Meg Wachter

“The Girl With The Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer


Image credits: unknown

“La laitière” by Johannes Vermeer


Image credits: Justine Rioufrait

“Grande Odalisque” by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres


Image credits: Craig White

“Therese Revant” by Balthus


Image credits: Chloe Van Overmeir

“Lady with an ermine” by Leonardo da Vinci


Image credits: Wanda Martin

“Portrait of Sylvia Von Harden” by Wilhelm Heinrich Otto Dix


Image credits: Stephan Hoffman & SoYeon Kim

“La bonne foi” by Magritte


Image credits: Noemi Mazzucchell

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  1. Son of Man doesn’t even try to get the outfit remotely correct. American Gothic & Persistence of Memory were just crappy concepts. The Ugly Duchess is looking directly into the camera for no reason. Wanderer in the sea fog is random, innacurate and lazy. Frida Kahlil isn’t even any painting in particular, it’s just a costume. Christina’s World doesn’t get the pose even remotely right. Lady with an ermine is also lazy and inaccurate. Picasso and Van Gough were spot-on.

  2. “The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo is from my homecity FB friend, and Girl with Earrings is not unknown, it´s Scarlett Johansson film from 2003.

  3. This could be cool if they were done well but they’re unfortunately pretty bad. And why throw in a promo pic of Scarlett Johannsen? Did the person who wrote this article forget that was for a movie? Dumb.

    1. Considering the image credits are unknown for that picture, I’d say you hit the nail on the head with them forgetting it was for a movie…

    1. Good you are here! Above and below are the ones who do not appreciate art and cannot do it themselves… and are obviously mad about it.
      “Het melkmeisje”, great! “Do the dishes!”

  4. I actually really like the modern interpretations, they are rather clever. I do not think the modern ones can ever be better than the classics, but I am amused.

    1. Yep! “Girl with a Pearl Earring,” movie made in 2003 starring Colin Firth as Vermeer and Scarlett Johanson as Grier. I recognized it right off the bat, as well.

      1. You mean “expecting”.

        Also, you thinking that USA has a higher concentration of idiots than the rest of the world proves that you need to travel more.

        1. He may be talking about our Government. The rest of the world judges us by the behavior of those in Washington, on Wall Street, and our bizarre foreign policy. You can’t really blame them for thinking we are a pack of idiots.

          1. The world judges you by the fact that about 40+ procent of Americans who actually do vote actuallt vote for an utterly insane party. I’m not saying the Democrats are great, far from it, but the US Republican party as it stands today is completely stark ravnig.

          2. “Commicrats” : The dazzling wit of the oh-so-clever American mind. Probably found that joke in the bargain bin at Walmart next their ‘Murican flag t-shirt.

          3. How much Sandinista spooge did you guzzle down? Your fawning obedience to every turd world tin-horn tyrant was truly witty, wasn’t it?

          4. As opposed to your Che T-Shirt? And how much Sandinista spooge did you guzzle down?

          5. while i take the overall tone offensively, considering you are looking from the outside-in, i can’t disagree overall with your assessment…but being crazy, and being dumb are 2 different things, and we’re certainly not dumb (mostly). and btw…you’re welcome for WWII.

          6. “…we’re certainly not dumb (mostly).”

            Lmfao. To bad Americans are too stupid to recognize irony when they see it.

          7. I am from city which was entirely destroyed by american bombs. Who killed the most civilians during WWII there? Americans. Same story in various areas accross Europe. The same you do now in the Middle East. Destroy everything without any precaution or care, pretending to be the world’s saviors. So, we will not thank you, we would have made it without you. Just like the other populations you are blasting away theses days, do not need you either. Btw, your foreign policy is both dumb and crazy.

          8. i remember a talkshow when obama was host, and americans with tears in eyes scanded yes we can! lol

          9. English is clearly defeating you. Just type in your 1st language so we can use google translate. I only say this because it makes you look like a moron if you try to insult people with terrible spelling and/or grammar. Happy trolling.

          10. i using many languages not only english, how many languages you using?
            only english right :) idiot

          11. Swing and a miss there, Opuch. I am from South Africa and I speak 5 languages. I speak them all better than you write English soooo… back to the insult drawing board with you.

          12. Whoa there, good child. I am a troll and I see lots of insults. Opuch is nowhere near insulting anybody; also his sentence construction, for a non-English speaker is quite good.

          13. You don’t think calling someone an idiot is an insult? What planet do you come from?

          14. most idiots living in russia – they still believing in everything what Puttler said.

          15. It’s not the government’s fault the average American can’t find Canada on a map and can’t name any world Capitol besides London, D.C. or Paris. It’s also not the government’s fault reality TV is 100x more popular than books or art museums. The reason they think we are a pack of idiots is because WE ARE.

          1. Just look in the mirror. “U” is a word in only three languages: Dutch, Burmese and Idiot English.

          2. If you’re going to call other people idiots, you ought to speak better English.

          3. What makes you think we care where you come from?

            Your English sucks. Deal with it.


          4. Except that “stupider” is entirely grammatically correct, genius. (Oh, and that’s sarcasm.)

          5. No, travel to gain perspective. Noob. I am pretty sure you have a lot of idiots around you already if they let you think the shit that you do.

        2. I’ve been travelling a lot. And I still think USA has a higher concentration of idiots! But as an idiot myself I felt confortable over there :)

        3. As an American, can everyone just calm down. Gesh. Come people are stupid here, but that is a global phenomenon. Let us all respect that every country has a diverse group of people and that they usually contribute in some way to the world.

      2. Rather be a fun and creative “idiot” than a pretentious bore. It’s true that most people have probably never given a single thought to your native tongue, village or even your country. But remember why: there is no need. Be interesting or die trying!

      3. People who call other countries idiots never reveal what country they are from because usually they are just as stupid and done things just as bad.

        Plus I have to agree: second, third, fourth, or tenth language, your English is that of a retarded kindergartner…in Slovakia. BTW, how old are you?

    1. those were the best! things can only be so stupid. then they become brilliant. in the sense of pythonian negative indexing