Classify art by colour? How dare we.

Delicious is one of the biggest social bookmarking sites in the world. If you’re not familiar with it, you should be. Delicious allows users to bookmark websites that catch their fancy and tag them appropriately, all in the hope of sharing those sites with others in the Delicious community. And the most popular art site on Delicious is…Colour Lovers. A site dedicated to gathering “an international creative community that helps people discover their inner designer”. And where do they start? With colour.

Colour is an amazing thing. It triggers moods, it radiates energy, it captures hearts. And most importantly (for designers) it can make or break a room.

That’s why we’ve included a search term that allows artists and galleries to classify art by colour. With every other search filter you could ever need, there’s no obligation to use it. But surely it can help. Can’t it?

By allowing sellers to classify art by colour, we’re hoping to help designers, first home buyers, and art lovers new to buying and seeking art online, quicly filter the works they are considering. It wont be used by everyone, but we really think it adds to the useability and approachability of the site.

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