Mindlessly double-tapping through Instagram can quickly turn into a black hole of nail art, puppies in costumes, and half-naked Rihanna. Looking for a more cultured and entertaining 20 minute diversion? Here’s some awesome artist and art-world Instagram accounts that you should definitely follow: @artFido

No bias here! Although we haven’t been on Instagram for long, we’ve quickly developed a strong group of followers who (hopefully) enjoy the quirky mix of art we share.  We recently set up a #artFido Instagram hash tag so artists can tag their works to us. We then pick our favourites and post a ‘shout out’ feature on that artist a few times a day on Instagram to share the love and bring the feature artist some new followers.

Repost by @artFido from the #artFido hashtag. The artist of this beautiful kitty is @haylieerinv. Image via Instagram.


Kristina Webb @colour_me_creative

This enterprising 17 year old New Zealander is one of the most popular artists on Instagram, with nearly 500,000 followers.  Kristina asks her followers to submit photos of themselves to the Instagram hashtag #drawmekristina, and once a week she selects a follower and surprises them with a drawing of them. Kristina is a great example of technology and art colliding, with many of her followers being budding young artists themselves. Kristina’s boyfriend Bradden (@braddenhum), has similarly used Instagram to great effect by developing a strong Instagram following to promote and support his musical talents.

Want to know how Kristina developed so many followers so quickly and what she recommends as a young artist to use Instagram to its full potential?  See our Q&A with her at the bottom of this blog article.

Image via Kristina Webb


Stas Rostov @nawden

Ukrainian art assistant Stas is a superstar when it comes to Instagram.  He has used the ap to great effect since its creation, so much so that almost every one of his posts now makes the popular page… an impressive feat to say the least (see


Re-post by @nawden. The artist of these luscious lips is @peterperlegas. Image via Instagram.


Matt Adnate @adnate

Matt from the collective The AWOL Crew has taken street art to another level with his breathtaking photo-realistic and large scale murals and portraits.  Adnate’s Instagram account documents each of these works in progress and is a must “follow”.

Aboriginal boy mural on side of building in Cremorne, Victoria, Australia. Image via Instagram @adnate


Takashi Murakami @takashipom

Murakami creates more than just artwork, he has constructed an entire world of characters in his distinctive Superflat style. From smiling daisies to psychedelic multi-eyed mushrooms, who knows what he will come up with next? Check out his IG account for rare, behind-the-scenes shots of his studio, new pieces, his adorable dog, and fun-filled karaoke nights. We love his Instagram profile quote: “I have not good photo tecniqe. Hopfly I will get some.”

Plush Murakami daisies still in their packaging. Image via Instagram @takashipom


China Chow @china_chow

China Chow, art world diva, great supporter of contemporary artists, and host of Work of Art on Bravo, shares high-profile gala snapshots, enviable haute-couture fashion, and incredible artwork via Instagram.

China Chow in Urs Fischer’s Bread House at MOCALA gala. Image via Instagram @china_chow


Ryan McGinness @mcginnessworks

Often dubbed a modern-day Warhol, McGinness has created an impressive body of work that includes black light responsive Black Hole paintings, silkscreens of fluorescent nudes, and undulating acrylic sculptures. He is also a notorious party thrower; in 2009, McGinness threw a raucous theme party in his studio every Friday for 50 weeks straight. Recently, McGinness has turned to Instagram for a mini-project where he creates a work to share every day. Most are pretty hilarious.

One of McGinness’ works on Instagram. Image via Instragram @mcginnessworks


Tom Sachs @tomsachs

Tom Sachs’ immersive installations are always fun, yet thought-provoking. His epic re-creation of a mission to Mars at the Park Armory Avenue last summer was an event for the art history books. His IG account is filled with shots of work in the studio, artwork he admires, and absurd everyday occurrences. You can really trace where he draws his inspiration from.

An overflowing garbage can that Sachs dubbed “Castle.” Image via Instagram @tomsachs


Eric Cahan @ericcahan

In his Instagram profile, New York-based artist Eric Cahan says it best, “Is it just me, or is Instagram just Auto-Tune for photos?” Cahan hardly needs an “auto-tune” for his account. There he posts beautiful installation shots of his Sky Series photographs, as well as interesting headless portraits of women in fashionable outfits. Once in a while, he even posts a Sky Series type photo right on Instagram.

A gorgeous sunset captured by Eric Cahan. Image via Instagram @ericcahan


Kaws @kawsstudio

Kaws is probably one of the most creative artists on Instagram. While his installation shots and throwback photos are great, perhaps the best thing about his account are the many photos of his beagle looking super bored with being surrounded by his owner’s awesome artwork.

Kaws’ dog is not impressed. Image via Instagram @kawsstudio


Don’t Fret @dontfretart

Chicago artist, Don’t Fret, has been plastering the city with his goofy, fun-loving characters for years now. Keep up with him via Instagram and seek out his work for yourself. Just think of it as a super fun, street art scavenger hunt!

One of Don’t Fret’s many characters. Images via Instagram @dontfretart



Q&A with Kristina Webb, owner and manager of one of Instagram’s most popular artist accounts, @colour_me_creative

When did you start on Instagram?

I really started my instagram when I got my iPhone on my 17th birthday in America (September 8th) I was on a high school exchange over there and was very busy with schoolwork but managed to post up a few drawings every now and then, one day I saw my drawing on the popular page (I only had a 100 or so followers) So I was very confused and clicked on it. It was a ‘hairstyles’ account that posted my drawing so I let them know ‘Hey I drew this’ They were very friendly and reposted my drawing along with a few more with credit to me. I gained 10,000 in one day almost.. It just grew from there :)

What do you like about Instagram?

I like how it’s such an amazing place to share your photos, artwork etc. Also how easy it is to communicate and see what your friend’s lives look like in pictures. It’s an amazing social network (so glad it was invented).

How do you think you’ve managed to obtain so many followers so quickly?

Like I said that account shouted me out to begin with, but from then on I really don’t know how to answer that. I draw things people can relate too, I draw followers and really interact with my fans (try to comment back to as many as possible, talk to them :) become friends with them. Also I don’t do many shout outs, people don’t really like those. If I do shout an account out, I normally do it with a drawing of them :)

Any tips to make a good Instagram post?

Can’t think of anything at the moment :) Just make sure every picture is an exciting picture, and if you are trying to make the popular page (I’ve heard) it’s about how many likes you get in a certain amount of time. The time starts as soon as you take the picture (including the time it takes to write the caption) so what I do is write my caption in ‘notes’ before I take the picture then copy and paste it :) If that makes sense…

What do you want to do in the next few years?

I left high school but still do correspondence subjects at home. My main goal in life is to inspire as many people as possible :) and my career goal is to have my own business, do commissions and sell my art :) Just do what I love.


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  1. Hey there!
    I have already been following some of these art accounts! I loveee Kristina’s art and I admire her! I also post my art through istagram to grow a community and inspire as many people as possible. if you’d like to check out my account, it is

    Thank you for sharing this page, because a lot of people think instagram is only for selfies and stuff but they don’t know that there are sooo many amazing accounts that try to share some really amazing and creative stuff like ART

    Emre :)

    1. Glad you find them as exciting and engaging as we do! There is a lot of great stuff happening out there when it comes to art. It’s all over every social media site and we’re just trying to make it more accessible! We have accounts on most social networks, but the bulk of our posts go to Facebook. Feel free to check out our page here and if you haven’t already, please have a look at our full site at … there’s some great art there that you can buy direct from the artists!

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.
