Photographer Captures London’s Most Beautiful Front Doors And They Look Straight Out Of A Wes Anderson Movie

Photographer Bella Foxwell has been capturing the beauty of London that a lot of people simply walk past. Doors. Her Instagram page, appropriately titled The Doors of London, features a rainbow of facades that are so quirky, they look like props from a Wes Anderson movie.

"I started this account about two-and-a-half years ago as a challenge," Foxwell wrote. "I'd spent the previous year building the accounts of big consumer brands and wanted to see if I could practice what I preached for myself. Since I was already obsessed with doors, it felt like a natural fit as my 'niche.'"

Doors fascinate Bella for a couple of reasons. "It's partly that I admire people who put so much pride into their front door, particularly those that are very daring, with a strong shade of paint or extravagant door knocker," Bella said. “And it's partly that doors are very symbolic. Whether it's because they represent new opportunities, or because they remind of home. There's something special about them."

Unless there isn't. "Over time I've come to learn what engages people and what doesn't, and unsurprisingly the brighter, more colorful doors framed by foliage tend to perform better. That's a long-winded way of saying that unless a front door has something unique about it – like my front door, which is very uninspiring, I will give it miss."

From the streets of Notting Hill to the lively district of Brixton and beyond, Foxwell's growing collection has already earned her over 38K followers and it will surely inject you with a healthy dose of house envy as well. "I usually do a little research into different locations first, and then head there with my phone to have a wander and see what I can find," she said. "The best feeling is when you stumble across a street full of gorgeous doors that you never knew existed. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's very exciting." Continue scrolling to check out her work!


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