Portraits of “Costume Play” Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler

In his ongoing series of portraits titled Just the Two of Us, photographer Klaus Pitchler gained access to the homes of Austrian costume play (cosplay) enthusiasts where he photographed the elaborately costumed individuals against the backdrops of their everyday life. Via his artist statement:

Who hasn’t had the desire just to be someone else for awhile? Dressing up is a way of creating an alter ego and a second skin which one’s behaviour can be adjusted to. Regardless of the motivating factors which cause somebody to acquire a costume, the main principle remains the same: the civilian steps behind the mask and turns into somebody else. ’Just the Two of Us’ deals with both: the costumes and the people behind them.

While the costumes are incredible, terrifying, and laughable, it’s the strange juxtaposition of ordinary home life and the unknown identities of each individual that create such great images. See much more here. All images courtesy Klaus Pichler.

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

Just the Two of Us: Portraits of Cosplay Enthusiasts in their Homes by Klaus Pichler portraits performance art cosplay Austria

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