Stunning Before and After Transformations of People Who Quit Drugs

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People often say that everything is good if done in moderation. However some things are much harder to moderate than others, like ‘hard’ drugs which can quickly become addictive and take a person away from the realities of life and the people that love you.

In this moving photos series, we have compiled a list of incredible before and after photos showing the successful outcomes of people who have beaten their addiction…


#1: 4 Years Clean From Meth And Heroin

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Dejah HallToday (12/6/16) marks 4 years clean from heroin and meth. I was a terrible iv user and like most, progressively got worse. On the left is me the day I was arrested 12-6-12 and coincidentally the day I finally surrendered to God! With the help of God I am completing my BA and hope to one day be a prison minister. I have a beautiful 18 month old and everyday I thank God that I am not where I once was! Sobriety is possible.

#2: 8 Months Clean From Heroin

Bilderbackbrooke8 miraculous months sober… Longest I’ve ever went… Without being forced. Because I want it this time.

#3: 10 Years Clean From Crystal Meth

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Lostwingnut: 19 years old. I thought I was the most amazing person. I weighed about 100 pounds. I was a dick. I stole from my friends for drugs. I stole from my family for drugs. I lied. Cheated. Hurt very good people. I had no one left besides my step dad when I quit. No one believed me anymore. It was a very hard time. It’s been ten years and I am ready to leave the past, in the past. I am not an ex-addict. I am not in recovery. This fall I will walk up on stage and collect my BS in accountancy. I have accomplished so much from that person I was ten years ago. I am a whole, strong, and amazing person and I am damn proud of myself.


#4: Here is What 826 Days Heroin Clean Looks Like

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DisregardThisOrDontOn June 11th 2014 I went to jail for 36 days on a contempt charge. Without delving too deep I’ll just say that I was in a really abusive relationship that led to my daughter going to live with my mother. She is my whole world, so when that happened I fell into a deep depression and leaned to my abusive boyfriend for emotional support. His answer to making me feel better was heroin. After 8 months of daily use and a few half assed attempts at getting clean, I told the judge preceding over the guardianship case of my daughter that I had been using and that I needed help. He found me in contempt of court and put me in the county jail until he could find me a bed in a rehab. From there I went to the best rehab in my state. Recovery has been an uphill battle, but now I am at a point where it all just feels like a bad dream.


#5: 6 Years Meth Free

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Shanna WhiteI keep that picture to remind myself where it took me, where I was. I felt defeated. I look at the other picture and I think, ‘Wow, I did it.’ Today I celebrate my life! 6yrs clean from the grips of meth addiction! If you are still in the midst of this ugly nightmare please know there is hope. You too can beat this and have a beautiful life. It is NEVER too late. Forgive yourself and know that you are worthy! I am blessed to have the love and forgiveness of all that love me! I love my life and I love all my friends and family that have always supported me.



#6: 6 Years Clean From Cocaine and Heroin

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Graham MacIndoeWhen I first really started doing drugs, I felt it was enhancing my life – it just made everything sort of great. But I knew I was an addict when I started having to do it in the morning when I woke up. And that’s when I should’ve known to stop, but I didn’t. When you’re on drugs, you never think you’re going to be able to get back to where you were or anywhere close to living a normal life. And you can – not real easy, but you can. Things are never going to be the same, but it can be fulfilling and it can be enlightening and life-changing. It has been for me. My priorities are different now. Not that I was a bad or selfish person, but I think more of other people and I see humanity in a different way. I’m much more passionate about life.


#7: 8 Months Clean

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Vanessa: I was in such a dark and broken place that I never thought I could get out of. I was contemplating taking my life because I could not bare the pain anymore. My life was driven by fear and not wanting to look at myself. I decided that I am either going to end it all or pick myself up and start fighting for the peace and happiness that I deserve. Asking for help was the best thing I could have ever done. I surround myself with strong women, work with a sponsor, and take suggestions!!!! There are so many amazing gifts that sobriety has to offer! Do not give up before the miracle happens!


#8: More Than Three Years Clean and Sober

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Jared D: Recovery for me exemplifies the promises coming true. The gift of family, and honesty between all of us, is truly better than what my life was even before I picked up a drink or a drug.


#9: 4 Years and 4 Months Clean

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ChangeIsGood: I’ve never felt better. I’ve closed the doors on my past and the future has never been brighter.


#10: 6 Months Clean From Meth and Heroin

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JermwithajToday, my life is different. And that’s all I could really hope for towards the end. Not a better life, because I didn’t feel like anything was ever going to get better… But just something different. This is what 6 months of hard work and commitment looks like for me. I can finally know what happiness and serenity feel like. I get to help others as well as tell my story and share my solution. In doing that, I’m able turn all of the negative from before into positive now. If you are struggling, please ask someone for help and dig deep down with everything you have to find the willingness to change. It’s worth it, I promise you.

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  1. All these people got help through the rooms of Narcotics Anonymous. It’s not mentioned here but if you need to helpo kicking your addiction, that is a permanent daily solution.

  2. It’s so great to see the horrors reversed. Addicts are often great people imprisoned by their addictions. Many have had tough lives & experiences that led them to that dark place. Lets hope more people find their way to better lives for themselves, their families, and society. Hope Springs Eternal.