Minecraft in Real Life: Retoucher Turns Real Animals Into Cubic Creations

Retoucher Aditya Aryanto from Jakarta, Indonesia recently had a simple idea: what if real life animals looked more like the cubic creations in the game Minecraft?

Curiosity sufficiently piqued, he took to Unsplash and Pixabay to find some great public domain images to play with, pulled them into Photoshop, and began liquifying curves into unnaturally straight lines. Before he knew it, he had everything from Tigers to Bunnies looking like they’d just been taken out of the box and hadn’t had time to really fluff out yet.

The resulting series, “Minecraft in Real Life” or “Anicube”, is quickly flying up the ranks on Behance, and seems like the perfect photo project with which to start the weekend. Enjoy:



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